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Table 2 Demographic and baseline characteristics of the participants with NSCLBP (N = 70)

From: Effect of multidimensional physiotherapy on non-specific chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial


Experimental group (n = 35)

Active control group (n = 35)



 Sex, No. (%)



18 (51)

17 (49)

 Age, year, mean (SD)

34.57 (6.98)

35.94 (7.51)

 Body height, cm, mean (SD)

171.09 (11.01)

173.03 (9.43)

 Body weight, kg, mean (SD)

72.29 (11.29)

74.49 (9.95)

 Education, year, mean (SD)

15.60 (1.87)

15.26 (2.12)

 Pain duration, No. (%)


  3–12 month

3 (9)

4 (11)

  12–60 month

24 (69)

24 (69)

  >60 month

8 (23)

7 (20)



 NRS, Mean (SD)

5.03 (0.92)

5.09 (0.95)

 ODI, Median (IQR)

28 (22–32)

26 (20–34)

 TSK, Median (IQR)

40 (38–46)

40 (37–42)

 PCS, Mean (SD)

27.11 (6.68)

29.60 (8.80)

 SF36, Mean (SD)

58.29 (16.28)

59.26 (17.40)

 FABQ, Mean (SD)

40.71 (9.47)

37.74 (17.83)

 Flexion ROM, Median (IQR), cm

18 (1–25)

17 (2–27)

  1. Abbreviations: NRS, Numeric Rating Scale; ODI, Oswestry Disability Index; TSK, Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia; PCS, Total Score of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale; SF36, 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey; FABQ, Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire; Flexion ROM, Lumbar Active Forward Flexion Range of Motion; cm, centimeter; SD, Standard Deviation; IQR, Inter Quartile Range