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Table 1 Description of psychoeducation sessions

From: Effect of multidimensional physiotherapy on non-specific chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial



Pain neurophysiology

The content, format, and pictures were based on the Explain Pain book. We presented the educational information verbally (explanation by the physiotherapist) and visually (summaries, pictures, metaphors, and diagrams on computer and paper). The education covered the physiology of the nervous system in general and the pain system in particular. Topics addressed during the educational sessions included the characteristics of acute versus chronic pain; how pain becomes chronic; potential sustaining factors of central sensitization like emotions, stress, pain cognitions, and pain behavior.

Anxiety management

 • The goal of this session

 o Identify signs and symptoms of anxiety

 o Learn coping skills to improve the individual’s functioning in the area of anxiety

 • What to discuss

 o Rates of anxiety in the chronic pain population

 o Defining anxiety disorders and common signs and symptoms

 • Skills to teach

 o Distracting the mind, imagery, soothing through the senses

Interpersonal conflict management

 • The goal of this session

 o Have individuals learn how to manage conflict more effectively

 o Increase effective skill use in relationships

 • What to discuss

 o Conflict resolution

 o Positive consequences of conflict

 o Negative consequences of conflict

 • Skills to teach

 o Determination and assertiveness training

Problem-solving training

 • The goal of this session

 o Increase the individual’s problem-solving strategies and their effectiveness

 o Individuals will learn skills to cope more effectively in complex situations and with others

 • What to discuss

 o General problem-solving strategies

 • Skills to teach

 o Individual-based problem-solving model

Coping strategy training

 • The goal of this session

 o Gain insight and information about common defense mechanisms and coping strategies applied to pain management

 o Learn coping skills to improve patient functioning in the areas of common defense mechanisms

 • What to discuss

 o Healthy behavior

 o Unhealthy behavior

 • Skills to teach

 o Choose healthy behavior

Pain flare-ups management

 • The goal of this session

 o Identify triggering events and typical reactions

 o Learn coping skills to improve the individual’s functioning in the areas of fear and avoidance

 • What to discuss

 o Coping with pain

 o Fears of reinjury

 o Negative feedback loop

 • Skills to teach

 o Creating a skills implementation plan

Medication abuse management

 • The goal of this session

 o Learn coping skills to improve the individual’s functioning in the area of accepting reality

 o Learn coping skills to improve the individual’s functioning in the area of chemical abuse

 • What to discuss

 o Motivation to reject reality

 o Ways to escape from reality

 o Ways to avoid reality

 o Ways to alter reality

 • Skills to teach

 o Turning the Mind

 o Distracting the mind, imagery, soothing through senses

Cope with labeling and stigma

 • The goal of this session

 o Gain insight and understanding into the effects of stigma

 o Learn coping skills to improve the individual’s ability to cope effectively with stigma

 • What to discuss:

 o Stigma

 o Stigma and chronic pain

 o Impact of stigma on the individual

 o Negative associations

 • Skills to teach

 o Turning the mind

 o Thought-stopping and positive self-talk

Create a daily sleep routine

 • The goal of this session

 o Learn coping skills to improve the individual’s functioning in the areas of building and maintaining healthy sleep patterns

 • What to discuss

 o How sleep patterns affect functioning

 o What are habits and routines?

 • Skills to teach

 o Building a routine

 o Maintaining a routine

 o Returning to sleep strategies

Training relaxation techniques

Teaching relaxation techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing and progressive muscle relaxation