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Table 1 Concepts used in physical training

From: Physical exercise among patients with systemic autoimmune myopathies



Aerobic capacity

Maximum capacity of the individual to capture oxygen from the environment, transport it through the bloodstream, and use it in cellular respiration. It can be estimated using peak oxygen consumption (peak VO2) via ergospirometry

Aerobic training

Training characterized by low and moderate intensity efforts with a prolonged duration (over 150 s). This training predominantly uses oxygen (O2)-dependent bioenergetic pathways to meet the energy demand required by the activity


Test used to determine the maximum muscle strength of the individual, determined as the maximum amount of weight lifted in only one repetition during a standardized exercise


Test used to determine the maximum number of repetitions/contractions that the participant can perform with a preset load

Strength training

Training that uses exercises requiring a level of strength above that used in everyday tasks to increase muscle function. When prescribing this training, the 1RM and/or MVC test is necessary, and the training is based on the percentage of each participant’s 1RM (usually between 50 and 80% of 1RM/MVC)

Isometric exercise

During this exercise, the production of muscle tension equals the external load imposed on the muscle. Moreover, this exercise is characterized by the absence of joint movement during its execution

Dynamic exercise

This exercise involves the displacement of the body in time and space, and it is characterized by alternations between eccentric and concentric contractions

  1. 1RM 1-repetition maximum test, MVC maximum voluntary contraction test